1. Starting an Education Programme
2. Overview How to implement an education programme and develop links with schools. . .
3. Dogs Trust Education Programme We spoke to 67,230 children in 2008! 9 Education Officers all over the UK 1 Education Officer in Dublin 1 Education Officer in Malta Free resources to download www.learnwithdogs.co.uk Great communities links and support
4. Why Is Education Important? Long-term solution Young people can/want to make a difference to the welfare of dogs now and in the future Raise awareness Tackle local problems
5. What Do You Want To Achieve? Inform and empower next generation Tackle everyday issues and problems – children pass on the information Benefit your organisation/Ambassadors Achieve positive changes in animal welfare
6. Key Messages What do you want to say? Who do you want to say it to? What do you want them to do? What problems do you face in your community? i.e. rabies, lack of neutering, no basic vet care, street dogs
7. Target Audience Which age group will you target? All Primary school age children (5-11 years)? Or will it be more specific? i.e. 9-10 years, young offenders, secondary school children, children with Special Educational Needs etc
8. Create Resources Workshop and teacher resources to reinforce key messages Adds fun and excitement, whilst helping to focus children’s attention Offer additional learning opportunities Resources can include. . . Visual aids – photos, props, puppet, story Activities – games, colouring, quiz DVDs, internet etc Prizes for children – sticker, pencil, photo
9. Activities for Workshops Reiterate key messages Children develop opinions and gain knowledge/understanding of topics Younger pupils – ‘quick fire’ activities i.e. drawing, drama, songs etc Older pupils – more mature activities i.e. group working, debates, discussions, matching, art and design etc
10. What Next? You have created your ideas and activities – you know exactly what to say and to whom. But what happens now? How do you begin to deliver the workshops? How can you start working with children and schools?
11. Research Who else is going into school? What do they offer schools? Benefits for them, schools, children and teachers? How are they making it stand out? i.e. Flags, Plaques etc. Talk to teachers – who visits? What works?
12. The People In The know. . . Research school system and curriculum Who are your key contacts to approach? Organise consultation with a number of schools to get their opinion Example When setting up in Malta, we arranged a meeting with the Director of the ‘Curriculum Management and eLearning Department’ (Ministry of Education), to give a presentation on our proposed programme. We also went to visit a number to school to share and discuss our plans.
13. Outlining Your Aims Pitch your education programme and aims Happy, positive, changing attitudes in an upbeat way No preaching and no horror stories DVD http://www.learnwithdogs.co.uk/movies.aspx
14. Presenting your programme… Brief background information Issues, aims and objectives Your proposal – what makes your education programme special? Is it going to cost them anything? What do councils, schools and teachers have to do?
15. …cont What will happen in the workshops exactly? Examples of materials/activities to be used Dog or no dog? Police background checks How will you promote it? Testimonials
16. What should I do while I am waiting for the go-ahead?
17. Investigate, Research And Plan! Where do I find the children? Specific local areas to target? Schools/ Youth groups/ After school clubs Libraries Community Centres Clubs i.e. sports clubs, football teams, environmental activity groups
18. Talk To Teachers Find out what they think of your proposed materials Spend some time with them and observe what goes on in their schools Even ask if they can provide a a class of children to try your workshops out on!
19. “ Tips From A Teacher” What are they looking for? Fun and , friendly Child friendly talk – easy to understand A visual prompt or “gimmick” Rewards for the children Short, sharp, quick activities Be prepared Be reliable Be organised – ensure you have full contact details and that they have yours Be ready for the unexpected!
20. Why Do Schools Like Visitors? Child friendly zone Rising costs of transport Health and Safety issues Build relationships with the wider community Opportunities for whole school involvement through assemblies Engage the children through active learning Help to spread the word using ‘pupil power’
21. You have the ‘buy-in’…so now spread the word there’s a new education programme in town!
22. Getting Into Schools Contact schools to let them know about your education programme Posters, emails, flyers, postcards, local press, letters, phone calls etc
23. Promotion Ideas Outline what you offer and any costs Emphasise benefits for schools, teachers and pupils Tell them how to book Sell yourself and your workshops!
24. Social Networking
25. Repeat Visits To Schools Word of mouth promotion Build on retained knowledge Explore other dog welfare issues Increase and improve pupil’s knowledge/ understanding after each visit Impact on wider community
26. Talk to different Groups… Raise the status of dogs in your society How do other charities use dogs? e.g. Guide Dogs for the Blind, Pets As Therapy, Hearing Dogs Dogs for the Disabled, READ (Reading Education Assistance Dogs)
27. Special Educational Needs Schools Summer schools Private schools Nurseries and playgroups Young offenders Foster children Animal welfare students Home-educated children …Different Groups
28. Extra-curricular Work Attending local events Community days Gala days Charity evenings Fundraising Press and media coverage Open days at animal welfare centres Working with other organisations
29. Don’t forget…feedback! Feedback form for school – hearing what schools, teachers, pupils and parents think about the programme is vital! Praise and constructive criticism always improve workshops and resources Collate feedback Strive to improve and maintain standards
30. ‘Train The Trainer’ Establish yourself as the expert! Train others – teachers, education professionals, Council staff, youth workers, other animal welfare organisations etc Help to spread your education key messages to a much larger audience than you can reach alone.
31. Funds Governmental grants, individuals, or try local businesses to help with printing costs or just donate prizes for children Even small donations can help to boost your work! Are you planning to encourage children and schools to fundraise? Costs of workshops
32. Summary The most important ingredient is to be enthusiastic and fun! Be clear on your messages and objectives Always approach the council first, apart from being your passport in, it is courteous
33. Remember… W ork it out O rganise O ffer workshops F lourish!
34. Education Training Workshop If you haven’t created your resources yet, you should attend our excellent. . . Overseas Education Workshop Training Course (see David Newall for more information)
35. Activities to improve English Information about dogs Neutering Re-homing dogs Are you dog friendly? Save our Street Dogs Free – get your copy today . . . www.dogstrust.org.uk/wayswehelp/ international/education SOS Dogs Education Booklet
Contact the Education Team at Dogs Trust educ@dogstrust.org.uk